Gopalasamudram Narayanan Iyer Ramachandran

The Founder of Structural Biology in India

The Trials and Triumphs of G N Ramachandran

A Science Media Centre, IISER Pune Production

G N Ramachandran is among the most ingenious and impactful scientists in the history of Indian Science. He is most remembered for discovering the structure of the protein collagen and for conceptualizing the Ramachandran map. The field of research Ramachandran trained in is called x-ray crystallography, which involved the study of molecules using x-ray techniques. When he began his career in the early 1950s, the use of x-rays to understand huge and complex biological molecules was in its early stages. The solution of the DNA structure (1952) is arguably the most popular example of this new field called structural biology. In fact, Ramachandran was responsible for establishing structural biology in India. The Ramachandran map has fascinated scientists in this field for decades. What is equally fascinating is Ramachandran and his team’s journey to the map. The fact that Ramachandran could make fundamental contributions in a growing field in the early years of post-independent India is particularly noteworthy.

This documentary is about this exceptional scientist, the events that led him to transform structural biology and crystallography, and his impact on these fields in India and worldwide. Produced in 2019-20, it features Ramachandran’s family and students/colleagues, as well as experts in structural biology, who illustrate why he should be remembered and celebrated. The documentary won the ‘Best of Festival’ award at the 8th International Science Film Festival of India in 2020.

We at Science Media Centre, IISER Pune have a keen interest in the history of Indian Science. Having produced a documentary on the founder of structural biology in India, we are now excited to use the medium of a Digital Museum to spread his story.

The biophysics community in India and across the globe would experience this site as a digital museum and resource to tour the history of the growth and development of one of the world’s first Structural Biologist, his projects, his colleagues and students and the community of biophysicists he fostered. Students aspiring to be biophysics researchers would be able to learn how curiosity pursued can become pioneering projects and works of science.

About the G N Ramachandran Digital Museum

This is the first version of the website, launched on 28th Feb 2023. It contains a combination of video interviews, images and animations to understand the story of GNR’s science. The story is organized into pages detailing G N Ramachandran’s science, his impact through both his research and the departments he built, and the person behind this work.

We aim to build resources to make this website useful to learn structural biology, to trace GNR’s impact in greater detail, to study the history of structural biology research in India, and to inspire and engage students with science.

Life and Career Timeline

This section traces the life of G N Ramachandran - from a young boy in Ernakulam to the founder of a field of research in India. It contains a summary of the major events in his life, his scientific work and the people involved in his story.

In the early 1950s, the structure of the protein collagen was a problem of interest in structural biology. Scientists who had discovered structures like the alpha helix and the DNA double helix attempted to solve this complex structure. How did Ramachandran and his team at Madras University beat them to the solution?

The Ramachandran map is a concept and tool used by hundreds and thousands of structural biologists today. It is taught to every biochemistry undergraduate student. What motivated Ramachandran’s team to develop this fundamental tool? How did they develop it? How has it impacted research in biology?

Apart from his scientific contributions, G N Ramachandran’s has impacted Indian Science by establishing the first two centers of structural biology in India. Both centers have been globally recognized for high-quality graduates in crystallography and structural biology. This section outlines the stories of these centers.

What kind of qualities does the person have to be able to have the kind of impact, both in science and institution building, that G N Ramachandran did? In this section, his associates recollect anecdotes that highlight his personality and qualities. This section also describes his legacy.

Ramachandran: A Biography of Gopalasamudram Narayana Ramachandran, the Famous Indian Biophysicist

by Raghupathy Sarma (Adenine Press)

Additional Resources